Triple Muzio Gambit

Triple Muzio Gambit

The Triple Muzio Gambit is the most aggressive variation in the King’s Gambit. It begins with the moves:

1.e4 e5
2.f4 exf4
3.Nf3 g5
4.Bc4 g4
5.0-0 gxf3
6.Qxf3 Qf6
7.e5 Qxe5
8.Bxf7+ Kxf7
9.d4 Qxd4

White looks to give up a knight, bishop, and the d, e, f pawns in exchange for a devastating attack on the exposed black king. This opening is not for the faint of heart. White goes down significant material and must be willing to attack the entire game or find themselves too far down in material to win the end game.

Black has a few options on their 10th move to protect their queen.


Black gobbles up material on b2 but this is a losing move. Black really needs the queen involved in the game. White can continue with Qxf4+ and there is no way for black to defend against the attack.

This position really shows the power of the Triple Muzio Gambit. White has significant material involved in the attack. The pawns in the center are gone which makes it easy for white to attack the exposed black king. Black must keep the queen involved just to have a piece to defend the king.


This puts the queen right in front of the black king which is a much stronger move than the Qxb2 move. White does not have an immediate threat but can get more material involved in the attack with 11. Nc3. This also baits black to take the bishop on e3 which would be a mistake.

If they do take the bishop with 11…fxe3 then white has the move 12. Qh5+. Now white can take the queen on f6.


This move still protects the pawn but doesn’t keep the queen on the same file as the king. White continues with 11. Bxf4, attacking the queen. If the black queen moves off of the 5th rank, white has the threat of 12. Qh5+ and it’s very difficult for black to defend.


Computers say that this is the best response from black but it’s a very difficult move to find. White would take 11. Qxf4+. White should be cautious to trade off material. Keep all of the attacking pieces in the game. If there isn’t an immediate threat then look to position other pieces closer to the center of the board.

Those are the most common lines that you might see if your opponent accepts the Triple Muzio Gambit. Watch the video to see in-depth analysis of the moves discussed above.